New Ways to Increase Access to Justice

A program in Washington State uses specially trained individuals to help people with particular legal problems.

New Ways to Increase Access to Justice

An innovative program created by the Washington State Supreme Court and the Washington State Bar Association is helping to expand the provision of legal services by using individuals without formal legal training. These Limited License Legal Technicians (LLLTs) mostly help customers fill out legal forms and understand legal procedures. While the program started in the family law practice area, other practice areas are expected to be added soon.  

Both the court navigators program for tenants facing eviction in Brooklyn Housing Court in New York and the LLLT program are helping to narrow the justice gap for millions of people who face going to court unassisted as they try to resolve essential civil legal problems. The Public Welfare Foundation supported evaluations of both the LLLT program and the court navigators program.


For the preliminary evaluation of the LLLT program, click here.

For a story about the court navigators program, click here